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PAST Florida Atlantic Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Sponsors and Supporters

Support 3MT® Scholarships!
Scholarship Prizes – Preliminary Rounds
$1,000 First Place
$500 First Runner-Up
$500 People's Choice
$250 Second Runner-Up
$2,500 First Place*
$1,500 First Runner-Up
$1,500 People's Choice
$1,000 Second Runner-Up

Florida Atlantic’s 3MT® Championship Award is generously sponsored through the Dr. Eric H. Shaw 3MT® Championship Award Endowment Fund.

Questions? Contact us at 3mt@joe-yan.net or 561-297-6065.

Thank you to Florida Atlantic's 2024 3MT® Championship Judging Panel

Larry Faerman, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs, Florida Atlantic University
Eric Shaw, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Marketing, Florida Atlantic University
Nikki Kogan, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean and Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution, Florida Atlantic University
Ms. Audrey Pusey
Dean of Students, Florida Atlantic University
Ms. Nikki Cabus
CEO, South Florida Technology Hub

Thank you to everyone who contributed in making FAU’s 3MT® Preliminary Rounds and Championships a success!

Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters College of Business
College for Design and Social Inquiry College of Education
College of Engineering and Computer Science Graduate College
Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Chartwells Catering Department of Biological Sciences
Department of Theatre and Dance Division of Public Affairs
Division of Research Division of Student Affairs
Florida Atlantic Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute Florida Atlantic University Foundation, Inc.
Florida Atlantic University Libraries Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA)
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Foundation Jupiter Campus Administration
Kelly Family Scholarship Fund Office of the President
Office of the Provost Jupiter Campus Administration
Office of Undergraduate Research & Inquiry The Toastmasters Club at Florida Atlantic
Undergraduate Studies JWeppner Center for LEAD & Service-Learning
Davimos Family Endowment for Excellence in Science Dr. Patricia Anastasio, M.D., F.A.A.P., Advanced Pediatrics of Boca
Fox Therapy Consultants Gift of Life Marrow Registry
Gladys L. Davis Trust It’s Owl Time
Public Utility Management & Planning Services, Inc. Tom Mersch, ESQ., Kelley Kronenberg Attorneys at Law
Aaron Shapiro Allison Rodgers & Rafael Zapata
Annette Schlubach-Casacci Anonymous
Christian Decle Cliff & Kaylyn Smith-Patterson
Dr. Robert Greer IV & Kelli Greer Dr. Ali Zilouchian
Dr. Anton F. Post Dr. David Newman
Dr. Deborah L. Floyd Dr. Eric H. Shaw
Dr. Frederick Bloetscher Dr. Gary Perry
Dr. Joshua Voss Dr. Katie G. Burke
Dr. Ken Dawson-Scully Dr. Khaled Sobhan
Dr. Marianne Porter Dr. Matthew K. Smith & Clarke Flowers
Dr. Megan Davis Dr. Michele Hawkins
Dr. Mohammad Ilyas Dr. Paul Peluso
Dr. Rod Murphey Dr. Ronald Nyhan
Dr. Russ Ivy Dr. Stephen Kajiura
Dr. William & Ann Smith Dr. William Kolby & Lisa Smith
Drs. Marianne Porter & Stephen Kajiura Drs. Timothy & Chelsey Smith-Meier
Jamie De La Rionda Jane Strudwick
Dr. Robert Greer V & Liana Smith Marilyn Link
Marny Glasser Nora Barragan
Professor Desmond Gallant, M.F.A. Professor Kathryn L. Johnston, M.F.A.
Professor Kristen April Soroko, M.F.A. Professor Lee Soroko, M.F.A.
Professor Lynn McNutt, M.F.A. Travis Arnold
Trustee Mary Beth McDonald William Walsh

A special thank you to the following student groups

Elite Owl Red Jackets Florida Atlantic Speaking Center
Graduate & Professional Student Association Lead with Your Voice
OwlTV The Toastmasters Club at Florida Atlantic